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  • Hui Fen

Testimonial by Supervisor & Area for Development

Updated: Mar 9, 2019

Like others, I have my lacking areas too. I would say that till date, my greatest flaw will be the lack of confidence for public speaking. I tend to be more nervous when I need to deliver a presentation to a massive crowd; but if it within a small group, I will be less nervous and I will perform better (i.e. clearer in my articulations and less signs of nervousness). Even though I had made improvement in this aspect as compared to the past, but it is still not good enough. This was also highlighted by my work attachment supervisor when she gave me my appraisal. She had given me numerous opportunities to work on my confidence aspect; for example, she had let me co-facilitate the new hires orientation with her and I am in-charge of the introductory segment. Also, she involved me in the meetings with some of the corporate partners so that I get to learn how to speak to people whom I not met before. I am appreciative of her efforts in trying to help me to overcome my fear.

Interim Appraisal & Final Appraisal (click arrow to go next)

Other than public speaking, if given the opportunity, I would like to learn more about data analytic. This area has also been one of the topics in limelight among many, including HR practitioners. This is because data analytic have been helpful for HR practitioners in forecasting certain HR trends and the analysis of internal corporate environment. As shared by one of our HR professors, data analytic used in performance management is able to detect and highlight which are the employees who are at risk of resigning. This is rather shocking yet amazing, since it is rather unimaginable that data analytical tool will be able to do that. Hence, this further enable me to see the relevancy of data analytic to HR. Aforementioned, since I will be able to receive SkillsFuture Credit upon turning 25, perhaps I will utilise it to attend data analytical courses too.

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