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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Importance of Data Protection

As shared in one of the reflections, I had attended the Data Protection Study Programme organised by the Straits Interactive and SMU Academy. This course had enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of the need of data protection and the importance of it to an organisation. Also, from the course, I know that it is mandatory for organisation to have a data protection officer to oversee all the relevant matters. The role of data protection officer ensured that organisation had abided to the stipulated regulatory on data protection and need to have a crisis management plan in place.

I would say that data protection officer is also one of the unsung heroes of every organisation. Most of the time, data protection officer is also handling taking on to other functional role and job scope of data protection is not their primarily function. Yet, data protection is utmost importance for an organisation reputation since any breached of data protection will cause losses to the origination, be it reputation or monetary compensation etc.

As such, if there is any further opportunity in the future, I would like to enrol myself into the certified programme that is relevant to data programme, which is known as International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). Under IAPP, there are four types of certification. There is even training programme for professionals who are serving European countries/organisation. Hence, if I ever worked for European organisation, by getting the certification would be good for me to know some of the data protection of the regulations of the region too. But right now, I believe that it will be beneficial for me to undergo the Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) programme since it will be relevant in our ASEAN context.

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