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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Career Aspiration & Resume

Since Poly, I had been studying about HR and in the relevant fields of work. To be honest, when I first started Poly, I’ve never imagined myself doing HR. Back then, I felt that I’m more of a “numbers person” and I’d likely to go into banking/finance. Who knows, I would ended up doing HR. For this, I have to thanks my HR lecturer back in Poly for this choice that I had made. It was her, who made me realised how interesting HR can be and how HR can make a difference to an organisation. As such, I decided to pursue into HR. Nonetheless, as I get to choose two electives for my diploma, I choose finance as well. Hence, I still get to study and deal with numbers back then.

Coming into University, I get to see the broader spectrum about HR and dive deep into each HR functions (e.g. recruitment & selection, talent management & performance management). Again, I would not deny that it was not easy at the start since it was so different from what I had studied in Poly. Nonetheless, I overcome the difficulties and reminded myself the reason why I am in HR, and that is – passion.

Personally, I really feel that as HR personnel, he or she is the one who can make a difference in the employee’s life. Be it a simple wellbeing initiative, educating about performance appraisal review or even the crafting of compensation package, whatever decision that HR personnel made would consequently affect the employees. Hence, it is essential for HR personnel to be updated with the best industry practices and be acquired with the right knowledge so that whatever being formulated would be beneficial for both the organisation and the employees.

Since my areas of interest lies in training & development and employee engagement, I aspired to be a specialist in these aspects. For training & development, I find it really meaningful to be able to identify the skill gap of the employees and be able to identify the relevant training programme(s) for them to upgrade themselves. This not only enhances the employee’s self-esteem, it would likely to improve the productivity of the organisation. On the other hand, I believe that engaged employees would bring more benefits than harms for the organisation. Hence, it is critical to ensure that employees are engaged. If they are not, they are likely to be not motivated to work (which thus reduces organisation’s productivity) or worse, resign. Should they leave the organisation, this implies that whatever investment (e.g. training and compensation package) that the organisation has put on them will be wasted. This rationalises why I would like branch into employee engagement and make a difference for the employees.


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