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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Work Attachment Reflection Part 1 – Aspects on Employee Development

Over the 24-weeks of work attachment, I was assigned to the Talent & Organisation Development (T&OD) function of a MNC. My main responsibilities include overseeing matters pertaining to employee development & engagement, providing supports to employees to enhance their learning growth as well as to promote a social & collaborative learning culture. During my work attachment, I had also developed numerous engagement activities & initiatives that allow employees to feel immediacy with the company. I had also extended my support to various company’s activities, outside T&OD area, to gain a holistic view of the company’s operation. In this reflection, I will be focusing on Employee Development.

In the aspect of Employee Development, my main job scope was maintaining the Learning Management System (LMS) which comprised of:

· assignment of new hires’ e-learning plans

· tacking of e-learning progress

· maintenance of training records

· generation of e-learning and or training’s records report

The LMS used by the company is Oracle Taleo Learn, which allow us to keep track of employees’ learning and development progress, enabling the rectification of skill gap.

I would say that I actually had fear for using LMS due to prior usage experience; the impression I had was that LMS is complex to use and not user friendly at all. However, I know that I need to overcome this fear, especially as HR personnel, LMS will definitely be part and parcel of the job scope. After using the LMS for several months, I grow familiar with the functions and benefits. Eventually, the negative perception I had was dissolved. I now understood that LMS brings massive convenience to its users. For T&OD, we were able to generate a comprehensive report on the employee’s training records within a few second and the LMS also allow us to generate customised reports according to our report requirement. Nonetheless, my team and I still encountered certain challenges in using Oracle Taleo Learn as it was a relatively new LMS introduced to the company (the company was using another LMS previously). For instance, we realised that certain training records might not be captured if we upload them in bulk at one go; and as such, we will need to update every single record manually. Seemingly easy, but it gets tedious when we have voluminous historical records to be imported over to the new LMS. Also, there were some bugs with the system the T&OD team identified and I am glad that I managed to work with the LMS support team to rectify such issues.

From the maintaining of LMS, I had also gained a better understanding on the correlation of metrics to Human Resource Integrated System (HRIS). When I was taking the module on Human Capital Metrics, I was rather confused on what information can be considered as metrics and what’s not. However, now I know that Information in each report can be a metrics, depending on requirement and analysis of report. For example, training hours over a specific periods (metrics) and causes to the difference (analysis).

Other than maintaining the LMS, in term of employee development, I had also sourced for developmental workshops/lunch talk on MS Excel and work productivity etc. for the employees to participate. At the same time, I will also gather online articles relating to development or productivity topics (e.g. how to make use of outlook to maximise productivity) and consolidate them into our internal bi-monthly e-newsletter (co-developed by me). Last but not least, I had also co-facilitated the monthly new hires orientation on the introduction segment. The facilitation of introduction segment was assigned to me as I was the one who proposed for minor changes after I had attended it myself during my first month with the company.

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