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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Personal Perspective on the Essential Skills Required by a HR Practitioner

Based on my prior working experiences, there are several valuable skills that I gained which I felt it will be helpful in my future career, especially if I am branching in the HR aspect.

Team Player – Regardless of the position or the job that I will be getting in the future, team work is extremely important. This is because most working environment, if not all, are in a team setting. Employees can be in different geographical locations, but if they are working together for a project, it is to be considered as a team. As such, being a corporative team player will be essential in helping to get things done and enhance the company efficiency and productivity. Also, by having substantial team work (and pair with open communication) will minimise misunderstanding and dispute among the co-workers. This will help to build a harmonious working environment for everyone to work in.

In the previous work attachment, I was being told that I am a good team player. This is probably because I am in a relatively small team (i.e. T&OD), we need to be really coordinated and take full responsibility of our assigned tasks to get work done. If there is any miscommunication or “laid back” moment by anyone of us, it will hinder the progress of the work. Hence, this made me to be more “on the go” and I will always try to get my assigned tasks done as soon as possible.

Problem Solving – This is critical because as an aspiring HR practitioner, there bound to be certain complex situation with the employees (or even relevant statutory authorities) that I need to handle. I need to take a step back and view the situation holistically and cannot have tunnel vision which will affect my judgement. I also need to have critical thinking ability so that I can resolve any arising matters (e.g. AWOL cases) if I am working in the talent acquisition function) within the shortest possible time so that it would not disrupt business operation.

In the past, I would not deny that there were times in which I did not take holistic view of the matter which thus hinder my ability in problem solving (i.e. not able to initiate or propose solutions unless being asked). However, I managed to overcome this flaw through the work attachment and the help of my supervisor back then. She had given me various opportunities (i.e. problems to resolve) so that I was able to work on this aspect and learnt to not be fixated on a single solution/what I thought is the best solution. This is when I learnt to be more critical in my thinking and able to propose several solutions to a problem.

Remain Positive Against the Odd – I would say that I am a relatively positive person at work, even though the tasks that I am doing could be challenging or mundane. I always believe that no matter how challenging a task can be, if I am able to overcome the problems, the sense of achievement will be huge. Also, instead of being all negative complaining about the situation, I should make the best out of the situation and take it as a learning experience. Everything’s happened for a reason; these learning experiences gained from challenging/mundane job scope could be something that prepared me for future job.

Apart from having a positive attitude towards the tasks assigned to me, I take feedback positively too. No doubt, when I received negative feedback, I would feel upset or feel that I’m being wronged since I really put in the best effort that I could. However, I would not dull in the emotions for a long period of time. Instead, I will find out what went wrong and work on it. By doing so, it will help me to develop myself and change the others’ point of view on me. Most importantly, I also don’t bear grudges on the person who provided the negative feedback because I knew he/she meant well too.

Of course, other than the mentioned, there are still many other valuable skills that will help me to ace in my future career. The mentioned skills are only those which are the most relatable to me based on my previous work attachment experience. The attached image is the evaluation provided by my work attachment supervisor.

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