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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

End of Service Learning (SL) Reflection

For every session, I ensured that the kids that I tutored complete their homework or assignments. Also, I tried my best to ensure that they understand the underlying concepts (i.e. problem solving for Mathematics) of the questions and not just merely completing the homework or assignments for the sake of it. At the same time, I listened to kids when they shared with me some of the difficulties that they have with homework or in school. I tried to encourage them to see things more positively and gave them advices on how they can overcome the difficulties that they are facing.

Generally, I maintained a positive attitude for this service learning and tried my best to tutor the kids bi-weekly. However, I would not deny that when the kids when get a bit too disrespectful or playful, I do feel frustrated too. Nonetheless, I know that I have to keep my cool and remained patience for the kids. After all, they are still kids and might not know the impact of their actions. Where possible, I will share with them the right ways to behave.

I also viewed this service learning as an opportunity to learn and improve myself. At time, people might have the mindset that we are helping the kids to learn. For me, I see it differently. Whilst teaching the kids, I can also learn from the kids. For examples, some of the kids exhibited great care and concerns to their peers despite the fact that they might have a mini quarrel with their peers just few minutes ago. This showed that kids tend to be more forgiving and bear minimal grudges against others. This then taught me to more forgiving to other as well.

Personally, I guess it would be more effective if there is a specific kid assign to me for the tutoring session for a period of time (e.g. 4 weeks). In that case, I can monitor the kid’s progress and understand what are the areas that he or she required more. Furthermore, since I can build rapport with the kid, I’d know what method will be more appropriate to use to teach them. However, I do understand that such arrangement might not be possible as not the kid assigned to me might not have any homework or assignment whenever I am there. Or perhaps, the kid might not be present in the center.

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