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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

S.G.E. Association Orientation

Before the start of the Service Learning journey, there was an orientation organised by our seniors and the person in charge from the center. We were briefed on the followings:

  • Code of Conduct for S.G.E. Association Members

  • Sub-group and the schedule on the tutoring sessions

  • Typical behaviours of the kids

  • Duties and responsibilities of us

  • Things to take note about the kids (i.e. special learning needs, actions to be taken for misbehaviours etc.)

Even though it seems intimidating, with so many things that to take note of, I remembered I was still all excited in meeting the kids.

From the orientation, I had gained more information about my responsibilities as a student tutor, which is either to assist the kids with their school homework or assessment book practice should they completed their homework. Besides, we also have to set a good example in front of the kids and correct their misbehaviours. This also meant that we should not be using any foul languages in front of the kids. To be honest, I was also quite nervous as I am unable that I’m unable to do a good job in helping the kids, especially I had returned most of my knowledge in Sciences. Nonetheless, I’m glad that I did not back out and managed to help the kids.

Other than being worried about unable to assist the kids, I was also worried that I am unable to handle when the kids misbehaved or unable to rectify their inappropriate actions or words used. Thankfully, the kids that I tutored were generally well-behaved; only a handful were mischievous but still they do listen to me after a while, after I tried to talk to them to find out more about them (e.g. what they like or what is their hobbies). It is like the process of making friend? I guess, perhaps we are “strangers” to the kids, which made some of them reluctant to cooperate with us initially. When you showered them with genuine care and concern, they will be more open to you and be more willing to listen. Indeed, I learnt quite a bit on how to handle kids from the SL experiences and interacting with the kids also taught me how to be more patience. I will share more on my experiences in another post.

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