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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Typical Tutoring Session

For our subgroup, we were assigned to the tutoring session on every alternate Wednesday. Most of the time at the centre, we will be allocated with 2-3 students per session depending on the number of students in the centre, amount of assignments they have and the subjects that we are comfortable in tutoring. Even though 2-3 students were usually manageable, but I do encounter certain challenges. For instances, when out of 3 students there is one who was being mischievous or when some of the questions one of them prompted required more time to solve, which reduced the attention I can cater to another student. I overcome this issues by either asking my group mates or the teacher to help. Otherwise, I would tell the student who came to me while I’m solving another question to come back to look for me in another 5 to 10 minutes.

Every tutoring session is a very different experience for me since I was not assigned with the same students every time. Due to that reason, the way I handled the students also differ. For the mischievous student, I will need to be stricter with them so that they will be able to complete their homework before they leave the childcare centre or go for their play time. For students who are more shy and introverted, I will check on them regularly to ensure that they are not stuck with any assignment questions since they were relatively shy to speak up or raised their questions.

Although I am just a student tutor, the responsibilities that I had is no way lower than the full-time teachers in the centre. I know that by trying my best to help the students as much as I can, it will help them in the long run. For example, if I managed to explain and let them understand a concept they did not understand previously, this could help in their exams. Also, by educating the appropriate manners when they are misbehaving will also help to shape their characters in the future. And of course, other student tutors and I need to set a good example to them as well (i.e. not being rude to one another, being helpful to each other and not using any nasty languages even though we might be feeling frustrated).

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