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  • Hui Fen

Reflection about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR Event Participated by FXS

Prior to my work attachment with Fuji Xerox Singapore (FXS), I had quite a limited knowledge about CSR. The perception for CSR that I have is all about handling environmental related matters and how the corporate can “go green” (e.g. conserving water and energy). Other than that, it’s about contributing back to the society where possible, such as participating in volunteering events.

Having said that, my understanding corresponds partially with the definition of CSR by European Commission which states “CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.”

In FXS, CSR is beyond going green and participating in volunteering events as part of the organisation’s contribution to the society. There are numerous aspects that are being taken into consideration, for example, Quality Management.

Initially, I was puzzled by the fact that Quality Management is under the CSR category. After giving some thoughts, it is not odd that it was handled by the CSR team. Quality management involved the measurement of the quality of products manufactured and delivered to customers; and the quality of the suppliers of FXS products (e.g. raw materials suppliers for production of paper). The CSR team will ensure that FXS products adhere to the safety guidelines as well as statutory regulations and requirements, so that it would not potentially cause damages to the environment.

With the objectives of Quality Management being detailed out, the part about the environmental concerns are being integration into business operation. This supports the justification of why Quality Management was being taken care by the CSR team.

On-going, there are various activities organised to educate the employees on the importance of social responsibility. Messages such as conserving the energy and maintaining a green environment are delivered during special environmental days (e.g. car-free day and world environment day). For example, to encourage the reduction in carbon footprint, there was a mini event about it; employees who took public transport to work (must have photos taken) will be rewarded with a customised net flashpay card.

Other than that, CSR team would also collaborate with other teams to relay the message on the importance of social responsibility. For example, when my team (training & organisation development) have our employee’s bazaar, CSR team would collaborate with us and encourage employees to bring their own bag instead of using plastic bag. On the bazaar day, CSR team also provides recycled bag for the employees to shop. Certain vendors also provided discounts for our employees who brought their own shopping bags! Perhaps, for a start, this is really a good way to involve people to do their part. Nonetheless, in the long run, this sort of “monetary incentive” would not be encouraged as some people might not understood the true message behind all these. It would still be best to inculcate the right message (e.g. how plastic is bad for the environment and animals). Besides the green initiative, CSR team also liaised with external parties such as, Food From The Heart, The Children's Cancer Foundation, Singapore Children's Society, and Beyond Social Services which allow different functional teams across departments to volunteer.

With the comprehensive coverage on social and environmental aspects, I would say that FXS CSR strategies are feasible and sustainable. First off, the CSR recognised the importance of educating employees through actions and not just messages over communication platforms, for instance, providing recycled bag for employees. Also, I would say that management team are supportive towards the CSR strategies as General Managers lead by example and participated in volunteering event if their schedule permit. As such, in the long run, employees will be influenced and understand the importance of their contributions to the society and environment.

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