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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Holiday Enrichment Programme: Kite Flying @ Marina Barrage (Part 1)

Every kid will undeniably look forward to school holiday as it allows them to unwind from their usual school works. For the end of year school holiday in 2016, the kids from Fei Yue Student Care Centre (Choa Chu Kang) get to visit marina barrage for a kite flying session.

Before their trips, they were tasked to design their own kite... Look at how focused they were in creating their masterpiece ;)

As the tutor for the kids, we were not allowed to help the kids in designing their kite. We were there to monitor them and provides them with assistance when required (e.g. assembling the kite kit).

Nonetheless, these kids faced no difficulties. All of them exhibited great creativity!

(Seems like Pokémon is the main thing back then, with many of the kites having Pokémon characters)

From this short session with them, I realised that the creativity that these kids have are overwhelming. They weren’t bounded by “techniques” such as matching colouring scheme or specific themes etc.; they just let their ideas flow and translated their ideas to different drawings on the kite. Each kite is unique on its own.

This enabled me to reflect on the fact that, all of us are unique in our own self. We do not have to always follow a set of prescribed norms/rule when we are doing certain things. Sometime, going the unconventional ways could lead to great results too! This is an important reminder to myself especially when there isn’t any perfect solution/correct solution to certain things.

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