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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Holiday Enrichment Programme: Kite Flying @ Marina Barrage (Part 2)

Here comes the day where the kids get to fly the kite they designed!

(Uh-oh … the sky is getting gloomy and the kids have diffculties in letting the kite soar :[ )

Soon after, indeed, we were greeted with downpour. But! The highly-lit spirit was not gone with the rain! We have already planned contingent activities to tackle the wet weather.

With many recreational activities now being replaced by gadgets and online games, it is good to have such outdoor activity once in a while to allow the kids to experience the old-school leisure activities. This enable the kids to appreciate the little things in life and understand that “fun” actually take place in any forms; it does not restricted to playground, online or mobile games. It is heart-warming to see these kids enjoyed this simple activity.

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