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Blog: Blog2
  • Hui Fen

Service Learning (SL) Recruitment Fair

As the members of S.G.E Association, it is also our part to participate in the SL recruitment fair to share with the juniors what is our SL is all about and of course, inviting them to join us. Several trial sessions were also arranged for them to visit the child care centre to experience interacting with the kids, before they make their decision in which SL to join.

Look at our leader and member setting up the booth ;)

We are all ready to share with juniors about S.G.E Association!

From this SL recruitment fair, the challenges I experienced include stopping the juniors to share more with them. Some of them prefer to take a look around by themselves; whereas some of them already have an idea of what type of SL they would want to join. Other than that, it is also quite challenging to converse and share with them the details of SL, as some of them appeared to be a bit awkward with us approaching them. Nonetheless, I feel that it is still an enjoyable experience I had from interacting with others.

Apart from our SL, I also briefly interact with students from other SL and found out about their contributions to the community. It is heart-warming to see all of us coming together to contribute back to the community for a good cause, regardless of which areas we focused on (i.e. environment, elderly or children). At the end of the day, we are all doing our part, even if it’s just minor, to help and improve the lives of others.

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